Mejor- lets end Piracy

this is good

"Piracy is not the problem, obscurity is" 


The Menace

As the software industry expands, another parallel industry is also being built across the world, which is pirated software industry. This has become the biggest threat to the existing software industry which has greater impact in terms of the revenue for these software manufacturing industries across the world.

It has not only shaken the software industry but most of the revenue generated to the states are also affected due to the pirated industries

One of the interesting and influencing point in the software piracy is the lack of awareness among the people about software and related intellectual property rights.

The software companies provide proper information about copyright of the software when purchased by the computer users in terms of licensing agreements during the installation process. Unfortunately,  none of the users bother to read the license agreement completely before proceeding further with the installation of the software. At the same time users have a misconception that they own the product since they purchased the software by paying for it, But they don't understand the fact that it is only the licence for which they have paid and own and not the Software in itself. In this way they misuse the software product by making copy of it and giving it to others. Hardly they realise that they are doing an illegal act which is against the copyright laws of the country.


The Pain 

Lack of Awareness
High Price of Software
Weak enforcement mechanism
Untrained investigating officers
Easy availability of Pirated Software

Awareness is the Key to reducing Piracy

The Solution

We at Mejor believe in creating awareness, after years of research, data analytics, and on field experience, it is evident that once a user is a made aware of his ignorance and the consequences of his participation in the chain of Software Piracy, he is ready to be fully compliant given the proper guidance and a lenient time frame.


And to help us spread this awareness to masses, we are collaborating with our local Enforcement Agency Kolkata Police for an effective and efficient outcome.


Since Software Piracy became widespread only over time so it is not going to end overnight, Therefore, our approach for end user compliance has always been towards helping them become compliant but not at the cost of inconvenience and distress. So, we make sure the compliance is as per the end user time frame.


Lastly Since the price of Genuine Software are expensive , so we offer the end user special price which are decided by the Principal software companies to help the end user become fully compliant

"We are working at almost twice the capacity".

People are afraid to approach Principal Software Companies over fear of the cascading effects.

Mejor is the Bridge to connect them both. 

Cut the Chase

Enter your details below to help us make you Software compliant as per your convenience.

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